Evaluating Commercial
A Free Commercial Cleaning Bid Checklist
Looking for a new commercial cleaning company? Download this free guide to get the best deal, added security, and a clean office!
Facility executives and business owners are constantly searching for building maintenance service providers to outsource their janitorial services.
The goal is pretty straight-forward:
Reduce operating costs
Improve facility appearance
Protect building assets
Ensure a safe, comfortable and productive environment
Partnering with JaniTek
Choosing the right janitorial provider to help you accomplish these goals isn’t always so easy. The following tips will help take some of the guesswork out of choosing the right partner for your facilities. Download the following guide for some tips and questions to help you on your search.
Topics you will learn from this checklist include:
Pricing and hidden costs associated with low-bids
The security of your facilities
The difference between green products and green processes
What Green Seal means and
The difference between “insurance” and “bonded” and why both matter
The walk-through